Best you TREAD CAREFULLY WITHOUT IT! It is only a matter of time before you damage the tyres on your vehicle. The TRAFICC Tyre Warranty will repair or replace your tyres in the event of damage.
Why do I need this?
We are all aware of the shocking state of our roads and with the hustle and bustle of the ever-increasing volume of traffic – it is only a matter of time before you damage the tyres on your vehicle, without being involved in an accident. The TRAFICC Tyre Warranty will repair or replace your tyres in the event of accidental or malicious damage.
A vehicle’s tyres are extremely susceptible to damage, yet we so easily and readily expect that the tyres on our vehicles will withstand the hazards of our day to day motoring while carrying the weight of the vehicle, its passengers and luggage, on roads that are cracked, potholed and littered with debris such as broken glass, nails and metal. Just take a look at the pile of tyres outside your nearest tyre retailer! Rarely will you find a tyre worn beyond limits. That is because most tyres are replaced prematurely due to damage or puncture.
I already have comprehensive insurance – why should I buy the TRAFICC Tyre Warranty?
Your comprehensive insurance mostly covers your tyres for theft and fire only, and in some cases damage caused by accidents (but usually only if there is damage to other parts of the vehicle as well). It very rarely covers your tyres for accidental or malicious damage. So should you damage your tyre by driving through a big pothole, onto or against a roadside kerb, or by someone wishing you ill – The TRAFICC Tyre Warranty will repair or replace your tyres. THE TRAFICC TYRE WARRANTY EVEN COVERS PRE-OWNED TYRES!
Let’s look at the features & benefits in more detail
- Covers you for up to 3 Years or 60,000 kms.
- Commences the day the policy is purchased.
- Covers both new and pre-owned light commercial vehicles, 4×4’s and passenger vehicles with a gross vehicle mass of less than 3,500 kg’s (also including motorcycles).
- The policy is transferable to the next owner.
- Repairs or replaces insured tyres suffering accidental and/or malicious damage.
- You will not be asked to travel to an insurer’s preferred supplier. Tyres to be replaced or repaired at any registered tyre fitment center.
- If Repaired, then the warranty pays for full amount.
- If Replaced, then you pay for portion of tread used.
- Excess: There is no excess payable.
- Premiums and benefits based on profile size of the tyres specific to your vehicle.
Have you ever considered the cost of replacing your tyres?
Even the most careful driver can sustain damage to their tyres, whether from unexpected road defects or cuts and tears caused by sharp objects. If your tyres are damaged, either accidentally or by a malicious act, the TRAFICC Tyre Warranty can help towards the unexpected cost of repair or replacement.
The TRAFICC Tyre Warranty is ideal protection
- It’s easy – You pay a once-off premium
- It makes financial sense – Helps to cover the unexpected cost of repair or replacement
- It’s convenient – Tyres can be replaced at any registered fitment centre
- It’s accessible – It covers all brands of tyres as well as pre-owned tyres
- It’s immediate – You’re covered from the moment you sign
The policy covers new, used and pre-owned tyres irrespective of brand.
Regardless of the age of the tyres at the time of purchasing the TRAFICC Tyre Warranty, the tyres qualify for 100% of the benefits within the prescribed distance travelled or time lapsed from inception of the policy.
Importantly – the policy will note the starting odometer reading at inception of the policy.
Thus if you take out this policy and the tyres on the vehicle are already used – tyres may be 10,000km old but still in roadworthy condition, the starting point is still as per the odometer reading at inception of the policy. So if the odometer reading is for example 55,000km then 55,000km will be entered on the validation certificate at inception of the policy and it just may be that the new policy holder still qualifies for 100% of the initial benefit and is able to claim for a new tyre on his ‘old’ tyre, which may now be 12,000km old.
- Taxi’s, Hire vehicles, Competition, Commercial and Business vehicles.
- Tyres where tread depth is below the South African legal limit when incident occurs.
- Damage caused by using tyres at incorrect pressure.
- Damage caused by incorrect wheel balance or defective suspension etc.
- Loss as a result of fire or theft.
- Cover is limited to events occurring in the Republic of South Africa.
How to claim
- Any claim must be reported within 30 days.
- Call our claims centre on 0861 – TRAFICC (0861-872 3422) for pre-approval.
- Complete a Tyre Damages Report. * If you are claiming for malicious damage you would have to supply us with a case number from the SAPS, after reporting the incident to the police.
- On approval, take your vehicle to a registered tyre fitment centre
- TRAFICC will reimburse you for either the full amount of repairing the tyres or the portion of the tread used should the tyres be replaced.